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Blog Articles
We wish Registry Member Jeanne Durr all the best as she continues her placement as Interim Senior Associate Vice President for University Personnel at San Jose State University.
The Registry will be attending the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Deans Annual Meeting.
Congratulations to Registry Member David Garcia for his placement as Interim Director of Admissions at Frostburg State University.
We appreciate Registry Member Pam Boersig for sharing her experience as Interim Dean of Enrollment Services at Piedmont Virginia Community College.
Thank you to Registry Member John Miller for providing thoughtful reflections on his time as Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs at Wayne State College and the support provided by The Registry.
The 2025 NASPA Annual Conference starts today!
The 2025 NASPA Annual Conference begins tomorrow.
Many thanks to Registry Member Patrick Lepore for offering insight into his experience as Interim Chief Information Officer at Central State University.
We thank Registry Member Janet Brewer for reflecting on her time as Interim Vice President for Human Resources at St. Thomas University.
The Registry is proud to be sponsoring the 2025 NASPA Annual Conference.
We extend our sincere gratitude to Registry Member Tina Boyd for sharing her experience thus far as Interim Associate Vice President of Human Resources at Salisbury University.
We are pleased to share that Registry Member Scott Kalicki, PhD will be stepping into the role of Interim Officer in Charge at Rockland Community College.
Congratulations to Registry Member Scott Briell for his placement as Interim Vice President for Peru State College.
All the best to Registry Member John Baworowsky as he continues his great work as Interim Senior Vice President for Enrollment Management at the University of Memphis.
We thank Registry Member Anny Morrobel-Sosa for sharing her experience as Interim Senior Special Assistant to the President & Vice Provost at Texas Tech University.
We are pleased to share that Karna Kurtz has taken on the position of Interim Chief Human Resources Officer at St. Charles Community College.
Congratulations to Registry Member Tim Cobb for his placement as Interim Vice President For University Communications & Marketing at the University of Maryland Baltimore County.
We are delighted to announce that Drew Gregor will be rejoining The Registry as our Membership Intern for his final semester in the MBA program at Endicott College.
The National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting starts today!
The National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting begins tomorrow!
We thank Registry Member Gregory Dubois for his kind words and for sharing his experience as Interim Vice President of Administration and Finance at the University of Mary Washington.
The Registry will be attending the National Association of Independent Colleges & Universities Annual Meeting.
The Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) President's Conference starts today!
We thank Registry Member Ann Marie Vickery, PhD, for sharing her valuable experience as Interim Registrar at North Park University.
The Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) Presidents Conference starts tomorrow!
We would like to express our gratitude to Registry Member David Fryson for offering a glimpse into his role as Interim Vice President for Inclusive Excellence at Quinnipiac University.
The Registry is honored to be a silver sponsor the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) Presidents Conference.
Congratulations to Registry Member Philip Ellmore, PhD for his recent placement as Interim Vice President of Institutional Advancement at Eastern Connecticut State University.
The Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) Annual President's Meeting starts today!
Congratulations to Registry Member Jennifer Miller for recently taking on the role as Interim Dean for Research and Assessment at Bunker Hill Community College.
The Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) Annual Presidents Institute begins tomorrow!
Congratulations to Registry Member Eric Blumenthal for stepping into the position of Interim Chief Business Officer at The University of Tennessee Southern.
The Registry will be attending The Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) Annual Presidents Institute.
We thank Registry Member Beth Beam for sharing insights into her vital role as Interim People & Culture Consultant at Rice University.
We appreciate Registry Member Terri Tibbs for sharing her experience as Interim Director of Human Resources at Immaculata University.
We thank Registry Member Nick Delener, PhD, for sharing his experiences thus far working as Interim Director of the Crews School of Accountancy at The University of Memphis.
Best of luck to Michelle Curtain Stewart as she continues her role as Interim Provost at Adler University.
We thank Registry Member Marc Manganaro for sharing his thoughts on his first few months as Interim Dean of the School of Humanities, Arts and Sciences at St. Catherine University.
We are delighted that Registry Member Cynthia Azari has been enjoying her placement as Interim Dean of Arts & Sciences at Walla Walla Community College.
We thank Registry Member Robert Kenny for speaking to the challenges and opportunities offered through Registry interim placements.
Many thanks to Registry Member Tom Corti, PhD, for sharing a "behind the scenes" perspective of his role as Interim Vice President of Student Affairs at Kansas City Kansas Community College.
The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) Annual Conference begins today!
The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) Annual Conference begins tomorrow!
We thank Registry Member Ian Day for sharing his experience as Interim Vice President of Enrollment Management at Alma College.
The Registry will be attending the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) Annual Conference.
The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) begins tomorrow!
The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Annual Meeting begins today!
Best of luck to Registry Member Walter Branson as he continues his role as Interim Chief Financial Officer at Georgetown University Law Center.
The Registry will be attending the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Annual Meeting on 12/8 and 12/9.
Kevin Matthews, New Chapter: Reflecting on 18 Years at The Registry
Today is the start of the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) Annual Meeting.
The New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) Annual Meeting begins tomorrow.
We are excited to share that Registry Member Kevin Doherty has taken on the role of Interim Controller at St. Thomas University.
We are pleased to share that Registry Member Lawrence Weill has assumed the role of Interim Provost at Frostburg State University.
Congratulations to Registry Member Larry Wakefield on his new role as Interim Senior Vice President Finance/Chief Financial Officer at North Greenville University.
Thank you to Registry Member Charles Perusse for sharing his experiences working as Interim EVP for Finance & Administration/Chief Financial Officer at the University of Louisville.
The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) Annual Conference begins today!
The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) Annual Conference is tomorrow!
The American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) Annual Conference for Presidents and Chancellors begins today!
Tomorrow is the start of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) Annual Conference for Presidents and Chancellors.
Best wishes to Registry Member Beth Hellwig in her role of Interim Dean of Students at the University of Vermont.
The Registry will be attending the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) Annual Conference.
We are pleased to announce that Registry Member Dr. Cynthia Azari has taken on the role of Interim Dean of Arts & Sciences at Walla Walla Community College.
The Registry will be attending the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) Annual Conference for Presidents and Chancellors.
Congratulations to Registry Member Deborrah Hebert, PhD, for her placement as Interim Special Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs at Scripps College.
Congratulations to Registry Member Sherri Taylor for her recent placement as Interim Vice President for Advancement at Culver-Stockton College.
Congratulations to Registry Member Mary Wohlford, PhD, on successfully completing another impressive interim placement—as Interim Consultant to the Provost and Associate Dean for Academic Programs at Swarthmore College.
Best of luck to Registry Member Beth Beam as she fills the position of Interim People & Culture Consultant at Rice University.
The Council of Independent Colleges Institute for Chief Academic Officers is today.
The Council of Independent Colleges Institute for Chief Academic Officers begins tomorrow!
Thank you to Registry Member Cynthia Warrick, PhD, for sharing her insights from her first months as Interim Dean of the Graduate College of Social Work at the University of Houston.
Well wishes to Registry Member Tom Corti, PhD, as he carries on his work as Interim Vice President of Student Affairs at Kansas City Kansas Community College.
The Registry will be attending The Council of Independent Colleges Institute for Chief Academic Officers.
We are thrilled to share that Registry Member Brad Eden has taken on the role of Interim Dean of the Miriam Library at California State University, Chico.
Congratulations to Registry Member Robert Kenny for recently starting his role as Interim Vice President at Sweet Briar College.
Best of luck to Registry Member Cynthia Pepper as she steps into the role of Interim Senior Associate Vice President at Rice University.
Good luck to Registry Member Cynthia Visot for beginning her first placement with The Registry as Interim Chief of Staff at California State University, Stanislaus.
We are pleased to announce the placement of Steven Kitchen as the Interim Associate Vice President for Facilities Management at Southwestern University.
All the best to Registry Member Anny Morrobel-Sosa, PhD, who has stepped into the role of Interim Special Assistant to the President & Provost at Texas Tech University.
We are delighted to welcome Lucia Vidal-Aragorn as our Fall 2024 Intern!
We are pleased to announce the placement of Registry Member Helen Ouellette as Interim Finance Officer at Fitchburg State University
Congratulations to Registry Member Nick Delener, PhD, for his recent placement as Interim Director & Full Professor of the Crews School of Accountancy at The University of Memphis.
Well wishes to Registry Member Charles Perusse as he continues his placement as Interim EVP Finance & Administration/Chief Financial Officer at the University of Louisville.
The CUPA-HR Annual Conference begins today!
Tomorrow is the start of the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR) Annual Conference.
All the best to Registry Member Jacqueline McGlade, PhD, as she begins her exciting new role as Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs at Graceland University.
Best of luck to Registry Member Cynthia Warrick, PhD, as she takes on the role of Interim Dean of the Graduate College of Social Work at the University of Houston.
The Registry will be at the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR) Annual Conference.
Best of luck to Registry Member Anne Fish as she begins her new placement as Interim Director of Employee Benefits & HRIS at Widener University.
Congratulations to Registry Member Kendall Harris for his new assignment as Interim Dean of Engineering and Sciences at the University of Texas Permian Basin.
All the best to Registry Member Niles Sorensen in his new role as Interim Senior Vice President of Institutional Advancement at Brandeis University.
We Proudly Welcome Our New Marketing Coordinator Katrina Penley!
Best of luck to Registry Member Anastasia Rodriguez as she takes on the role of Interim Controller at Rhode Island College.
Thank you to Registry Member Charlita Shelton, PhD for sharing her great experiences as a Registry Interim and working with Senior Consultant Lucille H. Sansing, PhD.
Thank you to Registry Member Jaime Porter for sharing your thoughts about your role as Interim Chief Advancement Officer at Saint Xavier University in Chicago.
Well wishes to Registry Member Kim Martin-Long as she continues her role as Interim Dean of the College of Public Service at the University of Houston-Downtown.
We wish Registry Member Valerie Bonita Morris continued success in her role as Interim Dean of the College of the Arts at Kennesaw State University.
Congratulations to Registry Member Carol Seavor on her recent appointment as Interim Dean of Nursing at Nova Southeastern University.
Best of luck to Registry Member John Nisbet as he continues his role as Interim Vice President of Finance & Administration/CFO at Fairmount State University.
Congratulations to Registry Member John Fraire, PhD for continuing his work as Interim Vice President for Student Services at Cañada College.
Congratulations to Registry Member Leslie Margolis for her recent role as Interim Chief Information Officer at Western New England University.
Congratulations to Registry Member Robert M. Wallett for already making such an impact as Interim Vice President for Finance Administration/CFO at Saint Xavier University.
Congratulations to Registry Member Katharine Harrington, PhD for a successful interim placement as Senior Consultant for Enrollment Management.
Congratulations to Registry Member Bradley Mitchell on his successful placement as Interim Chief Financial Officer at Woodbury University.
Congratulations to Registry Member Stephen Weiter as he continues his role as Interim Dean of Atkins Library at UNC Charlotte.
The National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) 2024 Annual Meeting begins today.
The National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) 2024 Annual Meeting begins tomorrow!
Registry Member Michael Alexander writes about the importance of small and medium-sized colleges and offers a plan to save them.
The Registry will be attending the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) 2024 Annual Meeting.
Rev. Dr. James L. Martin, Senior Consultant with our higher education interim division The Registry, shares thoughts about the role of interim leadership in higher ed with Higher Ed Jobs
Congratulations to Registry Member Roosevelt Shelton, PhD for your success as Interim Dean of the School of Education at Loyola Marymount University, and thank you for sharing your remarkable achievements.
The Tennessean featured a story about Registry Member Ronald A. Johnson, PhD and his appointment as Interim President at Tennessee State University, effective July 1st.
We're thrilled to welcome David Stewart as our Summer 2024 Intern!
We would like to congratulate Registry Member Wayne Brumfield, PhD for his appointment as Interim Vice President of Student Affairs at Buffalo State University.
Congratulations to Registry Member Russell Mayer, PhD for his recent placement as Interim Assistant Vice Provost for Educational Effectiveness and Assessment and Chief Accreditation Liaison Officer at Loyola Marymount University.
Our utmost gratitude goes to Registry Member Jeanna Corcoran for her insightful reflection on the process of her placement as Interim Chairperson for the Speech Pathology and Audiology Department at Ball State University.
Best of luck to Registry Member Kathleen H. Barnes, PhD. as she continues her role as Interim Provost at Neumann University.
Congratulations to Registry Member MaryAnn Janosik, PhD. for her achievements as Interim Provost at Dominican University. We wish you continued success!
Congratulations to Registry Member Stephen Schuetz as he takes on the role of Interim Vice President of Enrollment at the University of Indianapolis. Best of luck!
The College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA HR) Spring Conference begins today.
Tomorrow is the start of the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA HR) Spring Conference.
Today is the start of the WASC Annual Accreditation Resource Conference (ARC).
The WASC Annual Accreditation Resource Conference (ARC) begins tomorrow!
The Registry will be attending the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA HR) Spring Conference.
The Higher Learning Commission’s Annual Conference is today.
Tomorrow marks the start of the Higher Learning Commission’s Annual Conference.
The Registry will be attending the WASC Annual Accreditation Resource Conference (ARC).
Registry Member and Senior Consultant, Karen Whitney, PhD will be attending the Higher Learning Commission’s Annual Conference in Chicago.
The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Annual Convention begins today.
Tomorrow is the start of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Annual Convention.
Congratulations to Brenda Amenson-Hill as she joins The University of California – Merced as Interim Vice Chancellor for Enrollment and Marketing. It’s been a pleasure working with you!
The Registry will be at the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Annual Convention.
We’re pleased to announce the placement of Registry Member Garret Ashley as Interim Vice President of Strategic Marketing and Communications at Chapman University. Wishing you all the best!
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Deans Annual Meeting begins today!
Tomorrow is the start of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Deans Annual Meeting!
We are pleased to announce the placement of Registry Member Camille Reese as Interim Director of Nursing at Palo Verde College. We wish you all the best!
Best wishes to Ann Liska on her recent placement as the Interim Registrar of Gardner-Webb University. We’re proud to be a part of her journey!
The Registry will be attending the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Deans Annual Meeting.
We’re pleased to announce the placement of Michael Konopski as Interim Vice President of Enrollment at Transylvania University. We wish him all the best!
Congratulations to Registry Member Jeff Elwell on his recent placement at the University of Baltimore as Interim Associate Provost for Academic Affairs. Best of luck!
The National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Annual Conference starts today!
The National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Annual Conference begins tomorrow!
Well wishes to Gerald Giraud, Ph.D. on his new role as Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs at Dona Ana Community College - New Mexico State University.
Congratulations to Registry Member Phil Ellmore for his recent placement as Interim Vice President of Development and Alumni Affairs at Caldwell University.
The Presidents and Chancellors Summit begins today!
The Registry is proud to be hosting the VPSA lounge at the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Annual Conference in Seattle, WA.
Tomorrow is the start of The Presidents and Chancellors Summit in Washington, DC.
Well wishes to Registry Member William Cheetham as he takes on the role of Interim Director of Admissions at Tompkins Cortland Community College.
We are thrilled with the addition of our 5th college intern assisting The Registry.
The Registry will be sponsoring The Presidents and Chancellors Summit in Washington, DC. from March 3 to March 5!
Jon Hernandez comes to The Registry with ten years of experience in Talent Acquisition.
Best of luck to Arnita Walls, PhD, as she begins her placement as Interim AVP, Chief Human Resources Officer at Saint Mary’s College of California.
Many thanks to Gina M. Vance, Vice President for Student Affairs at Westminster College, for sharing her experience working with The Registry. It is a pleasure working with you!
Today marks the start of The National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting.
Tomorrow is the start of The National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.
The Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting kicks off today!
The Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. begins tomorrow!
We’re pleased to announce the placement of Daniel Hall as Interim Vice President for Finance and Administration at Presbyterian College.
The Registry will be attending The National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. from February 4 to February 7.
There is only one week before the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.
The Registry is pleased to announce the addition of Lynne Rosansky, PhD as our new Vice President for Membership!
The CCCU Annual President’s Conference begins today!
Tomorrow is the first day of the CCCU Annual Presidents Conference in Washington, D.C.
We are one week out from CCCU’s Annual Presidents Conference in Washington, DC.
It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of our former Chancellor and CEO, George J. Matthews.
The CIC Annual Presidents Institute kicks off today in Hollywood, FL.
The Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) Annual Presidents Institute begins tomorrow!
We are thrilled to announce that Joseph J. Rencis, a Registry Member, has been appointed Interim Department Head of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Texas at Dallas.
We are delighted to announce Alan Arroyo’s placement at Holy Family University as Interim Dean of the School of Education.
The New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) Annual Meeting has begun!
The New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) Annual Meeting begins tomorrow in Boston!
The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) Annual Conference Annual Conference begins today!
The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) Annual Conference kicks off tomorrow, December 4th, in Philadelphia, PA.
The SACSCOC Annual Meeting begins today!
The SACSCOC Annual Meeting begins tomorrow in Orlando, FL.
We are one week out from The New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) Annual Meeting in Boston, MA.
The SACSCOC Annual Meeting is right around the corner! From December 2nd through 5th in Orlando, FL.
There is just one week until the 2023 Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) Annual Conference begins in Philadelphia, PA.
Congratulations to Bryant Morgan on his recent placement as CFO at the University of the Arts!
We are very excited to introduce you to our newest Team Member, Derrick Rowe, Assistant Controller for The Registry.
Congratulations to Registry Member Ali Eskandarian for his recent placement at Bowling Green State University as Interim Vice President of Research! Best of luck.
The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities Annual Conference begins today! Registry Senior Consultant, Lucille Sansing will see you there!
Registry Senior Consultant, Lucille Sansing, will be representing The Registry at tomorrow’s Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities Annual Conference.
The Registry will be participating in the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities Annual Conference from November 8th to 11th.
Today is the start of the AASCU Annual Conference in Chicago! Kevin Matthews, The Registry’s Chief Executive Officer and Karen Whitney, Ph.D., Registry Senior Consultant, are excited to meet you to talk about the challenges facing higher education and how
CIC’s Institute for Chief Academic Officers starts today!
There’s just one more day before the AASCU Annual Conference in Chicago.
President and Chief Operating Officer Amy Lauren Miller, and Registry Member and Senior Consultant Ian D.C. Newbould, Ph.D., are looking forward to CIC’s Institute for Chief Academic Officers tomorrow.
A heartfelt congratulations to Greg Paveza on his placement as the Interim Dean of Health Careers at Oakton College!
Thank you, President Hardgrave. We greatly appreciate your partnership and are thrilled to receive positive feedback on Gregory Dubois' outstanding performance as the Interim Chief Financial Officer at The University of Memphis.
Kevin Matthews, The Registry’s Chief Executive Officer and Karen Whitney, Ph.D., Registry Senior Consultant, will be at the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) Annual Conference in Chicago, IL from November 4th through 7th.
The Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) is holding its annual Institute for Chief Academic Officers in Tampa, FL from November 4th to 7th.
The Academic Nursing Leadership Conf. in Washington, D.C. starts today! Be sure to say “hello” to Kevin Matthews, Registry Chief Executive Officer, at the event!
The Registry is pleased to welcome Will Fox as our Fall 2023 Membership Intern.
Tomorrow is the first day of the Academic Nursing Leadership Conf. in Washington, D.C. Registry Chief Executive Officer, Kevin Matthews, will be in attendance and is looking forward to seeing you there!
Congratulations to Amy Amason on her placement as Interim Chief Advancement Officer at Saint Xavier University
It’s with great pleasure that we announce The Registry's participation at the Academic Nursing Leadership Conf. from October 28th to 30th.
Well wishes to Richard Darga on his new role as Interim Library Director within the Vermont State Colleges System.
Best of luck to Brent Carbajal as he continues his placement as Interim Provost at State University of New York (SUNY) Plattsburgh.
Congratulations to Juan Gonzalez on his recent placement as the Interim Dean of Students at Prescott College.
We’re pleased to announce the placement of Carol Seavor as the Interim Dean of Nursing at Pacific Lutheran University. We’re proud to have been a part of her journey!
It has been a pleasure working with Rick Stephens on multiple interim placements including his most recent one as Interim Provost at Earlham College.
After a 20 plus-year career in higher education in Student Affairs, Gilbert Hinga joined The Registry so he could expand his national reach and impact in the field that he loves so much.
The CUPA-HR Annual Conference in New Orleans starts today! Be sure to say “hello” to Registry Senior Consultant, Larry Lewellen at the event!
Tomorrow is the first day of the highly anticipated CUPA-HR Annual Conference in New Orleans.
It’s with great pleasure that we announce The Registry's participation at the CUPA-HR Annual Conference in New Orleans from October 1 to 3.
Thank you to Daniel C. Dobbins, President of McKendree University for his testimonial about working with us and the success of your Registry Interim. We look forward to partnering with you in the future.
Congratulations to Sal Liberto on his placement as Interim Dean of Admission and Financial Aid at Olin College of Engineering. This role marks his sixth interim placement with The Registry.
The National Association for College Admissions Conference (NACAC) starts today in Baltimore, MD.
Tomorrow is the start of the National Association for College Admissions Conference (NACAC) in Baltimore, MD.
The Registry will be attending the National Association for College Admissions Conference (NACAC) in Baltimore, MD from September 21 to September 23.
Thank you, President Mitzel, for sharing your thoughts on working with The Registry. It has been a privilege to collaborate with you!
Well wishes to Richard Sax in his new role as Dean of Arts & Sciences at The University of Texas Permian Basin.
Congratulations to Beth Hellwig, PhD on her third placement with The Registry. Wishing you continued success!
We are thrilled to announce that The Registry has been acquired by ZRG Partners, LLC - A Global Talent Advisory Firm.
The Registry was pleased to, once again, be a participant in the NACUBO Annual Conference.
Our utmost gratitude goes to Registry Member Robert Harty for his insightful reflection on the process of his placement as Interim Associate Vice President for Marketing and External Relations at University of Maryland Eastern Shore.
We’re pleased to announce the placement of Polly Griffin as Interim Registrar at Wake Forest University. We wish Polly all the best!
Best wishes to Registry Member Robert Knight in his placement as Interim CFO at Connecticut College and his second interim placement with The Registry.
Congratulations to Registry Member Raj Parikh on his placement as Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Morehead State University.
We’re excited for tomorrow’s National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) Annual Meeting in Orlando!
Thank you to Joanne Laipson for reflecting on the process of Eileen Petula's interim placement as Special Assistant to the Board of Trustees at Chatham University.
Thank you to Member Rebecca Eckstein for sharing her experience working with The Registry. It's an honor to have supported her in her journey to become Interim Vice President of Enrollment Management and Marketing at the College of Our Lady of the Elms.
The National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) Annual Meeting starts in one week in Orlando.
The Registry’s proven process of matching clients with vetted Members who have demonstrated experience in the positions where they are placed is a reflection of our unwavering commitment to excellence. Thank you to Dr. Bruce Murphy and Dr. David Dauwalder
We’re only two weeks away from the highly anticipated National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) Annual Meeting.
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Terrence Cheng for sharing his positive experience with The Registry.
Best wishes to Registry Member Lewis Thayne as he joins Saint Michael’s College as Interim President.
The Registry welcomes the opportunity to congratulate our “Inaugural Intern,” Cedric L. Atty, now an Emerson College Graduate.
The Registry is pleased to welcome Ranjani “Ranji” Hope Matthews as our Summer 2023 Membership Intern.
Congratulations to Katrina Penley, our stellar Marketing Intern, on earning her Bachelor of Science Degree, Magna Cum Laude, from Salem State University.
We’d like to thank Member Michael Shippman for this reflection on his experience working with The Registry. It was an honor to help you with your interim placement at Central Connecticut State University, and we wish you continued success.
Best wishes to Registry Member Adell Brown, as he continues his placement as interim CFO for Alcorn State University.
Many thanks to Andrew P. Armacost, President of the University of North Dakota, for reflecting upon his experience with The Registry’s successful placement of Dr. Beth Hellwig.
We are delighted that Registry Member Keith Tillman is thriving within his role as Registrar at the Wentworth Institute of Technology.
The Registry was proud to sponsor this year’s NASPA Annual Conference in Boston.
Well wishes to Registry Member John Michalenko as he continues his role as Interim Vice President of Student Affairs at St. Thomas University.
Our staff is humbled by this wonderful feedback from our client, Daniel Dobbins, President of McKendree University.
Many thanks to Registry Advisory Services' Philip Espinosa, for this reflection of his current work with Saint Peter's University.
Well wishes to Registry Member Dorothy A. Escribano, Ph.D., as she joins the State University of New York at Old Westbury staff as Interim Provost.
Thank you, Ann Liska, for your reflection of being a Registry Member.
Thank you to Registry Member Pam Boersig, Interim Dean of Students at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, for your take on our model.
After a 40-plus-year career in Public, Career Tech and Higher Education teaching and administration, Gayle A. Kearnes-Buie joined The Registry to have the opportunity to be able to continue doing the work she loves.
Thank you, Allan Hoffman, Ed.D. for this reflection of your experience as a Registry Member.
Thank you Jim Hunt for sharing this update on how you are impacting The University of Texas Permian Basin community as Interim Associate Provost.
Such an amazing reflection from Registry Member Carlos T. Aquino, Ph.D. about his current interim role.
The Registry is proud to welcome Karen Whitney, Ph.D. as a Senior Consultant.
We are thankful to be able to work with such incredible and accomplished higher education leaders like Parris Watts.
Thank you, Stacy H. Young, Ph.D., President of Montcalm Community College, for sharing your experience working with our team within a serious time crunch.
Best of luck to Registry Member Robert Kenny as he continues his placement as Interim Vice President for Finance and Operations at Sarah Lawrence College.
Many thanks to our client Robert C. Mock, Jr. Ed.D., Vice President for Strategic Initiatives & Chief of Staff at UMES, for his kind words about his experience with our staff and Registry Interims.
As we wrap up Black History Month, we'd like to share this inspiring quote from Booker T. Washington, an iconic American educator, author, orator and Presidential adviser.
Well wishes to Kathleen Barnes, Ph.D., as she continues her placement as Interim Provost at Neumann University.
Best wishes to Registry Member Jerry DeSanto as he continues his placement as Vice President and Chief Information Officer at Montclair State University.
The Registry welcomes Katrina Penley who has taken on the role of our Spring 2023 College Intern.
Thank you to Lisa Summins Perez, Ed.D. for sharing her experience working as an interim leader.
After a 20 plus-year career in Higher Education in the area of Student Affairs, Gilbert Hinga joined The Registry so he could expand his national impact in the work that he loves so much.
Thank you to Xavier University President Colleen M. Hanyca, Ph.D. for sharing her experience working with our interims.
Many thanks to Janet Gooch, Chancellor of the University of Illinois Springfield for this lovely testimonial about how her team benefitted by working with our staff.
Many thanks to Barbara Brizuela, Professor of Education and a Dean of Academic Affairs in the School of Arts & Sciences at Tufts University.
After a 30-plus-year career in Higher Education financial management, Robert Knight joined The Registry, so he may continue doing the work he loves.
Happy 20th Work Anniversary, Amy Lauren Miller!
It was lovely to finally bring Registry Members and staff together—in person—for our 28th Annual Seminar.
Since the founding of Cheyney University, the first Historically Black College and University (HBCU), in 1837, HBCUs have provided opportunities for higher education for African American students who might not have had opportunities for upward mobility.
The Registry was pleased to welcome Dr. Bill Hargrave, President of the University of Memphis to our Annual Seminar as a Keynote Speaker to discuss “Omnieducation: The Future of Higher Education?”
Registry Senior Consultant Bob Smith discussed his book with Registry Members throughout his signing, offering further insight into his pages.
Registry Senior Consultant Bill Nelsen attended our Annual Seminar and hosted a signing for his new book, "Embracing Diversity, Faith, Vocation, and the Promise of America," which he co-wrote with Darrell Jodock.
We are grateful to receive this wonderful feedback from Aurora University President Rebecca Sherrick.
Many thanks to Brien Lewis, President of Transylvania University for his words describing how our interim placement process has benefitted his team.
Many thanks to Dr. Bret Danilowicz, President of Radford University, for sharing his insight on our interim pairing process.
We're taking a moment to remember our friend, Thomas Langevin, Co-Founder of The Registry.
Thank you to Registry Member Raj Parikh for sharing his experience in this glowing testimonial.
What a lovely reflection on what it means to be a Registry Member from Dorothy Campbell, Ph.D., who is a member herself!
Thank you to Registry Member Carlos Tasso E. Aquino, Ph.D. for sharing his membership experience.
Our staff members are proud of the continued relationship that we share with Harper College Provost MaryAnn Janosik, Ph.D. and her incredible team.
Many thanks to University of California, Santa Cruz Provost Lori Kletzer, Ph.D. for this stunning testimonial outlining her experience working with our company.
Take a moment to read this lovely testimonial from Registry Member Dr. Arnita Walls, MSHR elaborating on her current interim placement process and experience as Interim Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity at Brandeis University.
There is nothing better than receiving client testimonials like this one from Robin Bowen, President of Arkansas Tech University.
Navigating "The Great Resignation?" We Can Help.
Many thanks to Registry Member Ann Liska for this stunning testimonial.
28th Annual Seminar - November 4-6 , 2022 - Memphis, TN
Well wishes to Registry Member Karen Wright as she continues her placement as Interim Vice President for Advancement at Fort Valley State University.
The Registry welcomes Ms. Kate O'Donnell Weekley as the Administrative Assistant to Vice President Amy Miller.
Many thanks to Cathy Cox, President of Georgia College & State University, for these kind words welcoming Registry Member Dr. Dan Nadler to her campus as Interim Vice President for Student Life.
We are grateful to receive these words from Registry Member Tom Crady about our staff's expertise in pairing him with the best interim roles for his skillset and professional experience.
Best of luck to Ann Liska as she begins her role as Interim Registrar at Saint Elizabeth University.
28th Annual Seminar - November 4-6 , 2022 - Memphis, TN
The Registry welcomes Cedric Atty who will be taking on the role of our College Intern for the Fall of 2022.
It is wonderful to see Registry Member William Cheetham join the Excelsior University leadership team as Interim Executive Director of Student Financial Services and One-Stop Client Institution as the Institution moves from college to university status.
Best wishes to Registry Member Patricia Bixel as she begins her role as Interim Dean, College of Humanities, Interdisciplinary Studies and Social Sciences at Pacific Lutheran University.
Many thanks to Bonny B. Copenhaver, Ed. D., President of New River Community and Technical College, for sharing her experience working with The Registry to find the right fit for her interim needs.
It was incredible to witness the work that Registry Member Hernan Bucheli achieved while he acted as Interim Chief Enrollment Officer, AVP at Schreiner University.
Best wishes to Registry Member Jim Hunt as he continues his role as Interim Associate Provost for Academic Affairs at The University of Texas Permian Basin.
28th Annual Seminar - November 4-6 , 2022 - Memphis, TN
We are thrilled to hear from Registry Member Karen Reed that her experience as Interim Dean of the Verde Valley Campus at Yavapai College was nothing short of successful.
Witnessing our Registry Members truly making a difference in their placements is incredible. We are wishing Registry Member Paul Beran all the best as he assumes the role as Interim President at Western Connecticut State University.
Thank you to Mark Howe, Vice President of Human Resources at Excelsior University, for this stunning testimonial sharing his experience with The Registry over the past several years.
Well wishes to Registry Member Dr. Arnita Walls as she continues her first placement as Interim Director of Office of Equal Opportunity at Brandeis University.
At The Registry, our interim placements excel at providing exceptional educational experiences and fostering strong relationships
Truly humbled by this testimonial from Sandra Vaughn about her incredible experience working with The Registry
Take a look at how The Registry was able to provide Beverly Malloy an opportunity to return to her passion
Our Registry Members build lasting relationships at their placements and bring a wealth of knowledge others can learn from
It is wonderful hearing how our Registry Members play key roles in the decision-making processes at their placements
28th Annual Seminar - November 4-6 , 2022 - Memphis, TN
Best of luck to Registry Member Yvonne Berry as she continues her placement as Interim Vice President for Finance and Administration at Haverford College
Jose Rivera, who is the Interim Vice President for Student Services at Antelope Valley College, shares his 5-step process
At the Registry, we pride ourselves on creating a win-win situation for both the college or university and the interim placement
It has been a pleasure to work with Registry Member Charles McAdams and to help place him as Interim Executive Vice President and Provost at Truman State University
We at The Registry are delighted to hear that Richard Duffett has found working with the amazing leadership team at Central Washington University such an extraordinary and meaningful experience
Thank you to Registry Member Deborah R. Garrison, Ph.D. for posting about your experience
At The Registry, we consider the specific needs of each college or university to produce a tailored list of qualified candidates
The Registry thanks Galen P. Hench, Director of Membership and CTO
We love hearing from our interim placements regarding their positive experiences with The Registry
28th Annual Seminar - November 4-6 , 2022 - Memphis, TN
Congratulations to Registry Member Adell Brown for being named to the Capital Region’s list of the 100 Most Influential Black Men
Thank you to Dennis Papini, Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs and Provost at the University of Illinois Springfield, for the powerful testimonial
The Registry has provided the right interim leaders to the right institutions for the past 30 years
Special thanks to Registry Member Richard Darga for these words about his placement at Bowie State University
28th Annual Seminar - November 4-6 , 2022 - Memphis, TN
We were honored to help Amy Lambert, Chairperson, Board of Trustees, Cabrini University and former Senior Vice President at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
Congratulations to The Registry team member, Linda Midland for her recent promotion to Director of Marketing and RAS Operations
Karen Whitney recently finished serving as the Interim Chancellor at the University of Illinois Springfield
At The Registry, our Interim placements are strong, effective leaders. Thank you to SUNY Adirondack President Kristine Duffy for this wonderful testimonial
Thank you to Alan Finn, Vice President for Business Affairs and Treasurer at Ball State University, for this wonderful testimonial
A wonderful testimonial from Kim Godsoe, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, about her positive experience working with Interim Dean of Academic Services, Ann Branchini, at Brandeis University
The Registry is grateful to hear from Niles Sorensen, Vice Chancellor of Advancement at UNC Charlotte about their experience with Registry Member Meg Kimmel
The Registry was pleased with the opportunity to sponsor the 2022 American Association of Community Colleges Annual Convention in New York
At The Registry, our members have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of countless students and colleagues
Best wishes to Registry Member Julie Furst-Bowe as she continues her placement as Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs at Arkansas Tech University
We are grateful to receive this feedback from New Mexico State University Chancellor Ruth Johnston, Ph.D., about her experience working with NMSU's recent Interim CIO placement
Creating rewarding experiences for our Registry Members is something we take pride in
Thank you to Curry College President Ken Quigley for his amazing testimonial
Our process helps Registry Members, like Barry Ryan, transition smoothly into interim positions
Smooth, efficient and professional are some of the ways Dennis Swanson described The Registry’s placement process
It has been a pleasure to work with Registry Member Steve Malott and to help place him as Vice Chancellor of Finance & Administration at Montana Technological University
The American Association of Community Colleges Annual Convention begins today in New York
Our relationship with Arkansas Tech University continues to grow as we recently placed two Registry Members into interim roles
At The Registry, we make sure our placements fit the culture of the college or university
Hear from Dr. Benjamin Rusiloski, President of Delaware Valley University, about how The Registry paired seasoned interim professionals for key roles at DVU
The American Association of Community Colleges Annual Convention is happening in one week in New York
A wonderful testimonial from Debbie Pelletier, Human Resources Director at University of Maine at Fort Kent
We were honored to help Allegheny College fill their Chief of Staff, Chief Information Officer and Registrar positions by pairing them with our accomplished Registry Members
At The Registry, we assess the college or university’s needs and quickly match them with experienced interim executives
Registry Member Dale Cassidy is drawing on his 30+ years of experience to help make a difference as Interim Chief Financial Officer at Concordia University Irvine
Best of luck to Registry Member Judith Kornberg as she continues her placement as Interim Executive Director of Online, Continuing and Professional Education Programs at Virginia Commonwealth University
Hear from Dr. Benjamin Rusiloski, President of Delaware Valley University, about how The Registry paired seasoned interim professionals for key roles at DVU
Well wishes to Registry Member David Fraboni as he continues his placement as Interim Vice President for Institutional Advancement at Saint Elizabeth University
The Registry is proud to welcome Larry Lewellen to the RAS Human Resources Management Practice as a Senior Consultant and Practice Leader
We are grateful to receive these words from Registry Member George Calhoun as he continues his placement as Interim Dean of Education at Harris-Stowe State University
Best of luck to Registry Member Michael Shippam as he begins his placement as Interim Vice President for Institutional Advancement at Delaware County Community College
The Registry is truly honored to receive this outstanding review from Registry Member Dee Dee Campbell
Are you interested in learning more about the Interim placement process?
The annual WASC Senior College and University Commission Accreditation Resource Conference is happening next month in San Fransisco
We are delighted to hear of Registry Member Joel Wincowski's successes during his placement as Interim Executive Director of Enrollment Management at State University of New York College at Oswego
Please join us in wishing Dr. Thomas Langevin a happy 100th birthday!
The Registry is honored to sponsor the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Deans Annual Meeting this March in Washington, DC
Congratulations to The Registry staff member Mikaela Rodgers for her recent promotion to Director of Business Development
We are proud to co-sponsor the "Challenges and Opportunities for Private Colleges and Universities: Online Programs and Partnerships" webinar on March 16th hosted by the University of California, Berkeley Center for Studies in Higher Education
Over 8,300 student affairs administrators will come together from March 19th through 23rd for the 2022 NASPA Annual Conference
Thank you, John J. “Ski” Sygielski, President and CEO of HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College, for joining our celebration about The Registry's 30th anniversary
Many thanks to Dr. Rose Reinhart for sharing her experience about her first interim placement as Interim Registrar at Westminster College (PA)
Thank you to all who helped make The Registry the Gold Standard for interim placements since 1992
Well wishes to Joseph Wycoff, Ph.D., as he continues his placement as Interim Director of Institutional Research at Columbia College Chicago
It is wonderful to hear from Julia Jasken, President of McDaniel College, who shares her thoughts on working with Registry Member Bill Torrey and how he exceeded expectations while serving as the college’s Interim Vice President for Development.
Many thanks to Kelly Miller, Ph.D., President & CEO of Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, for her words about working with Registry Member Bill Kibler, Interim Vice President for Engagement and Student Success
The ACE2022 Annual Meeting will be happening from March 5th through 7th in San Diego.
It was great to see so many incredible leaders and administrators together at the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities annual meeting
When is it appropriate to extend Interim placements?
We are pleased to hear from Jacqueline LeBlanc, Ph.D., Vice President and Provost at Glasgow Caledonian New York College, about her experience working with Registry Member Gary Bracken
Thank you to Registry Member Robert Kenny for sharing his experience of being placed as Vice President of Finance & Administration/CFO at Knox College
Special thanks to Registry Member Tom Crady for these words about his placement at Unity College as Interim Director of Admissions and working with The Registry
"Our Registry colleagues have the freedom to speak their mind, as do our permanent colleagues," shared Father Malachi Van Tassell, T.O.R., Ph.D., President of Saint Francis University
The Registry is thrilled to sponsor the 2022 Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) International Forum in Dallas, Texas.
The Registry's 2022 Seminar and 30th Anniversary Celebration
Our goal at The Registry is to place interim leaders efficiently and effectively. We are thankful to receive this review from Dr. Barbara Jean Morris, President of Prescott College.
The Registry is proud to sponsor the 2022 NAICU - National Association of Independent Colleges & Universities Annual Meeting & Advocacy Day: Coming Together With Purpose.
The Registry is grateful to hear from Lynne Bongiovanni, Ph.D., Provost at the College of Mount Saint Vincent about her experience with Registry Member Julie Luetschwager, Ph.D., R.N., who took the role of Interim Dean of Nursing at CMSV
Please join us in celebrating Black History Month this February by encouraging diversity and inclusion in your community and honoring the great contributions the Black community has made throughout U.S. history.
Wishing Registry Member Carolyn Yucha the best while she continues her placement as Interim Dean of the School of Nursing at Hawai'i Pacific University
Colleges and universities alike have the capability to utilize Registry Advisory Services' Accreditation Consulting practice for assistance with all aspects of accreditation.
Looking for assistance with student enrollment? Look to Registry Advisory Services.
Registry Advisory Services is pleased to announce a new value-added and long-needed Human Resources Consulting Practice.
The Registry is here to find the best Interim placement for your leadership team.
Is your college or university considering Interim leadership?
The Registry is proud to sponsor the 2022 Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities annual meeting.
From January 4th through 7th, The Council of Independent Colleges will hold their 2022 Presidents Institute: "Recovery, Reckoning, Reinvention."
On December 14th and 15th, the Middle States Commission on Higher Education are holding their annual conference: "New Horizons for Higher Education."
As a sponsor for The SACSCOC Annual Meeting, we were thrilled to see incredible leaders of southern colleges and universities come together to discuss the topics in this year's theme of "Emerging STRONGer: Celebrating Resilience, Renewal, and Return."
The Registry is proud to be a Silver Sponsor for the New England Commission of Higher Education Annual Meeting this week.
Thank you to our client, David H. Devier, Ph.D., President of Glen Oaks Community College for this testimonial.
Many thanks to Jamie G. McMinn, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College, Professor of Psychology at Westminster College for this bright review about our efforts to find the right fit for their staffing needs.
Curious as to how Registry Interims have assisted with COVID-19 challenges during their placements?
The Registry was proud to sponsor the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities Annual Conference last week.
Take a look at our feature in The Chronicle of Higher Education discussing why the Interim placement process works while pairing institutions with necessary Registry Members.
Best wishes to Registry Member Brad Mitchell as he continues his placement as Interim Chief Financial Officer at Golden Gate University.
The Registry's 2022 Seminar and 30th Anniversary Celebration
Many thanks to Registry Client Kim Godsoe, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs at Brandeis University for her testimonial about working with The Registry to find an Interim placement for the role of Dean of Academic Services.
We are thrilled to hear that Registry Member Dan Nadler is enjoying his Interim role as Interim Vice President of Student Affairs at West Virginia State University.
Thank you to Registry Member Lauren Mounty for this kind review of our efforts to pair her with her Interim Role of Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management at Capital University.
The Registry is proud to have sponsored the 2021 Council of Independent Colleges Institute "Constructing the Future: Collaborating for Success" conference in Louisville, Kentucky.
We are thrilled to hear that Tom Rios, Interim Vice President of Student Services at California State University, Chico, is working with an incredible higher education team.
The Registry is pleased to announce that Galen Hench, who joined The Registry in 2015, will add Chief Technology Officer to his title of Director of Membership.
Best wishes to Registry Member Michelle Davis as she continues her placement as Interim Associate Vice President of Marketing—Admissions at Northeastern University.
The Registry is pleased to announce the placement of Registry Member Bob Wittstein, Interim Chief Information Officer at Babson College.
Well wishes to Registry Member Carlos Tasso Aquino as he continues his placement as Chief Diversity Officer at Gettysburg College.
The Registry is thrilled to share the following proclamation bestowed on our Interim Dr. Risa Dickson by the Board of Trustees of Palo Alto University.
Best of luck to Registry Member Jeff Elwell as he continues his placement as Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Humanities & Fine Arts at the University of the Ozarks.
We are grateful to receive this feedback from President of Palo Alto University, Maureen O'Connor, PhD, J.D. about PAU's recent Interim.
Did you see our ad in the Chronicle of Higher Education?
Truly humbled by this testimonial from Registry Member David G. Tomanio, PhD as he begins his role as Interim Director of Human Resources at SUNY College at Old Westbury.
It has been a pleasure to work with Registry Member Tom Corti and to help place him as Interim Vice President for Student Engagement and Dean of Students at the University of Providence.
Thankful for this testimonial from Denise A. Simard, PhD, Dean of the School of Education, Health and Human Services at the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh.
Thank you to Registry Member Raj Parikh for this lovely testimonial.
Best wishes to Registry Member Marie Billie throughout her placement as Interim Chief Human Resources Officer at San Mateo County Community College District.
Thank you to Registry Member Edward Whipple for this testimonial of how The Registry reviewed and paired his skills with Boise State University as Interim Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management.
Thank you to our client, Rebecca L. Sherrick, President of Aurora University, for this glowing testimonial.
Best wishes to Registry Member Charlie Fey with his placement as Interim Vice President for Student Affairs at Northern Illinois University.
We at The Registry are delighted to hear that Dr. Sylvia Manning has found working with the amazing leadership team at Western University of Health Sciences such an inspiring and rewarding experience.
Congratulations to Registry Member Meg Kimmel for her placement as Interim Senior Director for Academic Communications, University Communications at UNC Charlotte.
We are grateful to hear Registry Member Ann Liska's experience while working with us to find the perfect interim role for her skill set.
We were honored to help Niles Sorensen, Vice Chancellor for Advancement at UNC Charlotte, and his team find the right person to fill the role of Interim Senior Director after significant changes in the institution.
Congratulations to Registry Member Jackie Madry-Taylor on her placement as Interim Dean of the College of Arts, Sciences, Business and Education at Winston-Salem State University.
Building a relationship with Montana State University Billings is something we take much pride in. We were pleased to work with Former Chancellor Mark A. Nook and his team.
Best wishes to Registry Member Patricia Hardaway on her placement as Interim Provost at Mills College.
We are grateful for all of our clients, but are thrilled to know that we have been able to assist the State University of New York's campuses with multiple interim placements. Looking forward to continuing our relationship with the university.
Proud to share that Slippery Rock University has approved the creation of the College of Health Professions with the help of Registry Member John Bonaguro, Interim Founding Dean.
Best wishes to Registry Member Tom Rios on his placement as Interim Vice President for Student Affairs at California State University, Chico.
Thank you, Kathleen Owens, Former President of Gwynedd Mercy University, for sharing your experience of working with a Registry interim and speaking on our mission.
Registry Member Dr. Eileen Strempel, Inaugural Dean of the UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music, was featured on our blog last month to discuss her new book "Beyond Free College: Making Higher Education Work for 21st Century Students," co-written with Dr. Ste
A wonderful testimonial from Dr. Suzanne Mellon, Former President of Carlow University, of her positive experience working with a Vice President interim placed by The Registry.
Registry Member Arlene Cash was recently featured on our blog, writing about the stop, pivot and proceed approach to enrollment management post-pandemic.
Take a look at how using The Registry helped Bill Grimwood, Missouri Western State University Foundation Chair , find the right individual to fill a vital role in his foundation.
Congratulations to Registry Member Russ Mayer for his placement as Interim Chief Learning Officer at Saint Joseph's College of Maine.
Best wishes to Registry Member Jean Ahwesh on her placement as Interim Senior Executive Director of the Missouri Western State University Foundation.
Registry President Bryan Carlson, Vice President Kevin Matthews and Member Patricia Jackson were featured this month in an article in Council for Advancement and Support of Education about the importance and strategies of Interim Leadership.
Dr. Lance Richey, Vice President for Academic Affairs at the University of Saint Francis - Fort Wayne, IN, speaks on his experience working with The Registry.
Congratulations to Registry Member Ronald Daniel on a successful year as Interim Special Advisor to the Provost/Chair of the Department of Architecture and Interior Design at Judson University.
Please enjoy Registry Member Sandra Vaughn's reflection on being placed as Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs at LeMoyne-Owen College through The Registry.
Best wishes to Registry Member Tim Cross on his placement as Special Advisor to the University for Advancement at Franklin Pierce University.
Congratulations to Registry Member Marc Manganaro on his placement as Interim Provost at Missouri Western State University.
Congratulations to Registry Member Sheila Garland on her placement as Interim Nursing Director at Iona College.
Congratulations to Registry Member Chris Kielt on his placement as Interim Chief Information Officer at New Mexico State University.
Congratulations to Registry Member Kurt Keppler on his placement as Interim Vice President of Student Affairs at Delta State University.
We are proud to sponsor the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO)'s Virtual Annual Meeting for 2021.
ICYMI: Registry President Bryan Carlson was recently featured in an Inside Higher Ed story about the rising popularity of multi-year interim presidents.
Congratulations to Registry Member Ben Lim on his placement as Interim Chief Information Officer at Trinity University.
Congratulations to Registry Member Luegina Mounfield on her placement as Interim Provost and VP of Academic Affairs at HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College.
Best wishes to Registry Member John Fraire on his placement as Interim VP of Student Affairs at California State University, Monterey Bay.
Congratulations to Registry Member Linda Delene on her placement at SUNY Brockport as Interim Provost.
Congratulations to Registry Member Kristine Barnett on her placement as Interim Academic Affairs Consultant at Bristol Community College.
Congratulations to Registry Member Joe Deck on his placement as Interim Vice President of Information Technology Services at Aurora University.
Congratulations to Registry Member Julie Luetschwager on her placement as Interim Dean of Nursing at the College of Mount Saint Vincent.
Congratulations to Registry Member Arnold Henning on his placement as Interim Vice Chancellor for Finance at the University of Illinois Springfield.
Congratulations to Registry Member Cindy Sisson on her placement as Interim Dean of Enrollment Management at Eureka College.
Best wishes to Registry Member Deborah Garrison on her placement as Interim Dean for the School of Nursing at D'Youville College.
Congratulations to Member Grady Jones on his placement as Interim Vice President for Advancement for Coker University!
Best wishes to Registry Member David Arnold on his placement as Interim Provost at Keystone College.
Best wishes to Registry Member William Torrey on his recent placement as Interim Vice President for Development at McDaniel College.
Congratulations to Registry Member Trey Williams on his appointment as Interim Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students at San Francisco State University.
Congratulations to Registry Member Bill Kibler on his placement as Interim Vice President for Student Engagement and Success at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.
Congratulations to Registry Member Linda Delene on Completing Her Transformational Tenure at Belmont Abbey College
Congratulations to Registry Member Dean Smith on his assignment as Interim Vice President for Research at Northern Arizona University.
Best wishes to Member Dan Tramuta as he takes on his role as Interim Executive Director of Financial Aid at Fisk University.
Congratulations to Registry Member Daniel Blankenship on his role as Interim Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at Fort Hays State University.
Compliments to Registry Member Oliver Evans on his recent placement as Interim Provost at Wright State University.
Congratulations to Member Scott Dittman on his placement as Interim Registrar at Muhlenberg College.
Best wishes to Member John Bonaguro as he takes on his role as Interim Founding Dean of the College of Health Professions at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania.
Congratulations to Registry Member Stephen Weiter on his placement as Interim Director of Library Services at Bridgewater State University.
Leader of RAS' Board Governance and Leadership Practice Dr. Norman R. Smith coauthored "What College Trustees Need to Know."
Congratulations to Registry Member Robert Hamill on his placement as Interim CFO at Wheeling University.
Congratulations to Registry Member Bill Schafer on his recent placement as Interim Vice President and Dean of Students at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford.
Congratulations to Registry Member Judith Dorsey on her placement as Interim Chief Human Resources Officer at the College of the Holy Cross.
We are proud to announce that Member Bill McGarry has been named Interim Chief Financial Officer at Clarkson University.
Congratulations to Registry Member Kenneth Zirkle for being selected to serve as Interim President of South University, Columbia.
Member Ralph Rogers has been named Interim Special Assistant to the Dean for the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering at North Carolina A&T State University.
Meet Dr. Jacquelyn Armitage, Vice President of The Registry.
Congratulations to Registry Member Robert Hamill on his placement as Interim CFO at Wheeling University.
Introducing Dr. Norman Smith, leader of the RAS Board Governance and Leadership Practice.
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Registry Member Allan Hoffman as Interim Dean at California State University.
Planned Giving in a Nutshell: A Book Review by Bruce Mack
The Registry announces apppointment of Steve Schuetz as Interim Senior Advisor to the Vice President for Student Affairs at San Jose State University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Patrick Quinn as Interim Dean of Admissions at Bay State College
Strategic Initiatives for Enrollment Management Success in a Pandemic
Three Timely Tips for Advancement Leadership Success During the COVID19 Pandemic
Financial Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned by Dave McConnell, Interim CFO at Oklahoma City University
Navigating the Pandemic as a New Interim President by Registry Member Katherine Douglas
"Words from a 'seasoned' President turned 'interim' President….. all amidst the unprecedented times of COVID-19."
We are pleased to announce the appointment of John Beckvold as Interim Vice President Administration & Auxiliary Services at Elizabethtown College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Rick DiFeliciantonio as Consultant to the VP of Enrollment at Bennington College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Marsha Henfer as Interim Chief Information Officer at Northeastern Illinois University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Joanne Yestramski as Interim Vice President and Chief Business Officer for the University of Maine System
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Kathy McDermott as Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration/CFO at University of Arkansas - Fort Smith
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Larry Lewellen as Interim Associate Vice President of Human Resources at St. Petersburg College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Scott Brown as Interim Dean of Students at Northern Arizona University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Gregory Krikorian as Interim Dean of Students at Washington College
Bryan Carlson and Amy Lauren Miller Share Their Insight on "The New Normal: More Interim Presidents"
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Marie Billie as Interim Assistant Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer at Haverford College
Congratulations to Bruce Busby on Completing a Successful Placement as Interim Dean of Humanities at Illinois Central College.
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Amy Amason as Interim Vice President for Advancement at the University of Saint Francis - Fort Wayne, IN
Charles L. Welch, VP at the Arkansas State University System Speaks About Working with The Registry
Congratulations to Michael Quinn, Vice President for Enrollment at Rockford University on this year's record breaking freshman class.
We are proud to announce the appointment of Walter Branson as Interim Vice President for Administration and Finance & CFO at Arkansas Tech University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Scott Kalicki as Interim Director of Student Accessibility Support of University at Brandeis University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Ellen Horsch as Interim Vice President Human Resources at HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Jeffrey Handler as Interim Vice President of Enrollment Management at Prescott College
We are proud to announce the appointment of Thomas Fuhr as Interim Dean of Community Engagement & Partnerships (DCEP) at Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Xenia Markowitt as Interim Vice Provost of Student Success at The New School
COVID Planning Q & A with Buster Neel, Interim CFO at University of Southern Maine-Portland
COVID Planning Q & A with Janet Waldron, Interim VP Finance and Administration at Paul Smith’s College
COVID Planning Q & A with David McConnell, Interim CFO at Oklahoma City University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Carol Moore as Interim President at Guilford College.
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of John Murphy as Interim Controller at Washington College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Jerry DeSanto as Interim Chief Information Officer at Illinois Wesleyan University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Yvonne Berry as Interim Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration at California Institute of the Arts
We are proud to announce the appointment of Monica Bradley as Interim Chief Human Resources Officer for the Community College System of New Hampshire (CCSNH).
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Roy Saigo as Interim President at Westfield State University
Reflections of Higher Education in a Time of Crisis: A Book Review
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Richard Beer as Interim Dean of the College of Business at Montana State University-Billings
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Amy Ruetten as Interim Vice President for Business and Finance at Bethel College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Maryrose Eannace as Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs at Jefferson Community College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Katherine Whidden as Interim Associate Vice President for Human Resources at Endicott College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Karen Whitney as Interim Chancellor at University of Illinois Springfield
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Steve Siconolfi as Interim Provost at La Salle University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Ronald Daniel as Interim Special Advisor to the Provost/Chair of the Department of Architecture and Interior Design at Judson University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of David Rowe as Interim President at Lancaster Theological Seminary
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Patrick Lepore as Interim Chief Information Officer Affairs at Curry College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Russ Pinizzotto as Interim Provost at Simmons University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Joseph Wycoff as Interim Institutional Researcher at Mount Mary University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Carol Corcoran as Interim Chief Human Resources Officer at University of Maine System
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Janel Curry as Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs at Medaille College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Curtis Short as Interim CFO at Bexley Seabury Seminary
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Dennis Hunt as Interim Vice President of Advancement at Centenary University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Sal Liberto as Interim Special Advisor to the Provost for Enrollment Management at University of South Alabama
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Sam Grogg as Interim Registrar at Bennett College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Christine Quinn as Interim Special Assistant to the Provost - Academic & Faculty Initiatives at Excelsior College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of David Westfall as Interim Dean, School of Pharmacy at South University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of MaryAnn Janosik as Interim Special Assistant to the Provost - Student Success at Excelsior College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Jackie McGlade as Interim Vice President and Chief Academic Officer at Wheeling University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Steven Combs as Interim Department Chair, Department of Liberal Arts at North Carolina A&T University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Kate Douglas as Interim President at Monroe Community College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Larry Blake as Interim Director of Facilities at Tompkins Cortland Community College
Upcoming Registry Sponsored Conferences
2020 AASCU Chief Academic Officers Meeting
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Mike Holstein as Interim Special Advisor for Budgeting & Financial Forecasting at Adelphi University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Rebecca Eckstein as Interim Vice President of Enrollment Management at Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Sharon Beverly as Interim Athletic Director at Guilford College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Christine Bell as Interim Director of Admissions at Ohio Technical College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of David Fraboni as Interim Vice President of Institutional Advancement at Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Manuel Gomez as Interim Vice Provost for Student Affairs at Gonzaga University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Dan Carey as Interim President at Notre Dame de Namur University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Alphonce Brown as Interim Director of Advancement and Alumni Relations at Stetson University College of Law
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Patricia Swatfager Haney as Interim Dean of Students at Bloomsburg University of Pennslyvania
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Thomas Ries as Interim President at Concordia University Portland
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Bob Wallett as Interim Vice President of Business and Finance at Catawba College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Robert Hamill as Interim Chief Financial Officer at Concordia College at New York
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Kent Stucky as Interim Vice President of Advancement at University of Texas Tyler
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Judy Kirkpatrick as Interim Provost/VPAA at Bowie State University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Deborah Garrett as Interim Vice President Student Services at Illinois Central College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Timothy Cross as Interim Vice President of University Advancement at Adelphi University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Bruce Curl as Interim Associate Vice President for Human Resources at University of South Florida
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Haseeb Ahmed as Interim Dean, School of Management at Kettering University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Kristina Binard as Interim Dean for Enrollment Services and Special Projects at Illinois Central College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Tom Dybick as Interim Vice President of Finance and Administration and Treasurer at Hampshire College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Wen Hemingway as Interim Vice President for Finance at Michigan Technological University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Mary Ellen Keeney as Interim Vice President for Human Resources at Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Dave Voskuil as Interim Vice President of Enrollment Management and Marketing at Columbia College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Nayyer Hussain as Interim Chief Financial Officer at Ursuline College
AASCU 2019 Annual Meeting
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Marie Billie as Interim Title IX Coordinator & Special Advisor for Equity, Inclusion, & Diversity at St. Norbert College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Bill Talbot as Interim CFO at Tompkins Cortland Community College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Barbara Lyman as Interim Provost at SUNY New Paltz
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Lauren Mounty as Interim Vice President Strategic Enrollment Management at The New School
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Janet Guyden as Interim Director of Master Degree Program at Daniel Morgan Graduate School
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Bill Cheetham as Interim Vice President Enrollment Management at East Stroudsburg University of PA
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Jackie Madry-Taylor as Interim Dean, Engineering Technology & Computer Sciences at Bluefield State College
Wilson College Enrollment Up for Sixth Consecutive Year
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Danny Arnold as Interim Director of the Resort and Hospitality Management Program at Florida Gulf Coast University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Tom Sabbagh as Interim Dean of Advising at Bristol Community College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Ron Brown as Interim Vice President Enrollment at SUNY Potsdam
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Ali Rafieymehr as Interim Dean of Business, Sciences, Technology & Math at Community College of Rhode Island
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Steve Schuetz as Interim Director of Admissions at University of Minnesota-Morris
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Doug Duncan as Interim Associate Vice Chancellor of Human Resources at Virginia Community College System
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Charlita Shelton as Interim Associate Chief Diversity Officer at Gonzaga University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Marsha Foster Boyd as Interim VPAA and Academic Dean at Luther Seminary
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Richard Hansen as Interim Provost & VPAA at Wentworth Institute of Technology
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Helen Ouellette as Interim Chief Financial Officer at San Francisco Art Institute
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Mark Parsons as Interim Vice President of Advancement at Madonna University
2019 NACAC Annual Meeting
2019 Annual Seminar - Scottsdale, AZ - November 8-10th
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Kent Stucky as Interim Special Advisor to the Seminary for Advancement at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Susan Tammaro as Interim Director of Institutional Research at Lebanon Valley College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of JoEllen Lindner as Interim Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment at Mansfield University of PA
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of David Starrett as Interim Provost & VPAA at Franklin Pierce University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Stephen Dill as Interim Director of Marketing and Communications at Massachusetts Bay Community College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Robert Friedman as Interim Dean, College of Arts & Letters at Northern Arizona University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Steve Neiheisel as Interim Registrar at Mary Baldwin University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Elizabeth Hawthorne as Interim Dean of the College of Education at Chicago State University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Margaret Andrews as Interim Special Advisor to the President for the School of Management at Cambridge College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Patricia Hardaway as Interim Director of Human Resources at Trinity College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Christine Plunkett as Interim President at Iowa Wesleyan University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Patricia Pearce as Interim Department Chair for Nursing and Health at Clarke University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Connie Allen as Interim Chair of Chemistry at University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Betsy Beaulieu as Interim Dean of Arts and Sciences at University of New Haven
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Gene McAllister as Interim President at Saint John's University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Beth Hellwig as Interim Vice President of Student Affairs at San Francisco State University
Glenville State Interim President Settles in Ahead of Start of Fall Semester
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Julie Edstrom as Interim Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management at Southern Connecticut State University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Eileen Hogan as Interim Dean, W.A. Franke College of Business at Northern Arizona University
Triad Business Journal's Most Admired 2019 CEOs: Sandra Doran (Registry Member)
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Charles Moses as Interim Dean, School of Management at University of San Francisco
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of George Sims as Interim Provost & VPAA at Oklahoma City University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of David Buckingham as Interim Vice President of Enrollment Management at Wesley College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Lynn Franken as Interim Provost at Central Washington University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Adell Brown as Interim Dean of Administration and Institutional Effectiveness at Housatonic Community College and Gateway Community College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael Quinn as Interim Vice President of Enrollment Management at Rockford University
Athens State University Farewell to Ron Ingle
NACUBO 2019 Annual Meeting
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Arnold Henning as Interim Vice President for Finance and Administration at Northeastern Illinois University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Richard Highfield as Interim Dean, LaPenda School of Business at Iona College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Joel Wincowski as Interim Special Assistant to the Provost for Enrollment Management at University of Alabama
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Richard Miller as Interim Dean of Arts and Sciences at Benedict College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Daniel Blankenship as Interim Associate Vice President Academic Affairs at Fort Valley State University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Raj Parikh as Interim Director of Accountancy at University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Kathleen Nelson as Interim President at Glenville State College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Judith Lewis as Interim Dean, College of Nursing at Xavier University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Masry Gresham as Interim Dean, College of Education and Human Development at University of Maine
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Dennis Stark as Interim Chief Financial Officer at Wesley University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Bruce Busby as Interim Dean of Humanities at Illinois Central College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Mary Gresham as Interim Dean, College of Education and Human Development at University of Maine
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Richard Kneedler as Interim President at Wilson College
Never a placeholder, Hansen leaves Lesley 'a better place'
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Walter Roettger as Interim Provost at Glasgow Caledonian New York College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Rebecca Eckstein as Interim Vice President of Enrollment Management at Iona College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Joseph Deck as Interim CIO at Central Washington University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Ted Laskaris as Interim CIO at Columbus State University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Lynne Rosansky as Interim Vice President of the Rabb School of Continuing and Professional Studies at Brandeis University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Dan Petree as Interim Dean, School of Business and Economics at Sonoma State University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of David England as Interim Dean, College of Education at Sonoma State University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Dorothy Campbell as Interim Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences of College at Nevada State University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Marc Manganaro as Interim Provost at Spring Hill College
Alderson Broaddus University Bestows Honorary Doctorates to Registry Member Dennis Stark
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Shenthia Manuel as Interim Director of Human Resources at University of Maryland Eastern Shore
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Mike Malewicki as Interim CFO at United Lutheran Seminary
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Cindy Sisson as Interim VPEM at Saint Francis University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Barbara Elliott as Interim Vice President of Enrollment at Cabrini University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of William Torrey as Interim Vice President for University Advancement at Holy Names University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of David Healy as Interim CFO & Vice President for Administration & Facilities at Warren Wilson College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Richard Reynolds as Interim Vice President for Campus Operations at Brandeis University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Jerry Ice as Interim Provost at Cambridge College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Leslie Averill as Interim Dean of Community of Sterling College at Sterling College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Yvonne Berry as Interim Controller at The Brookings Institute
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Patrick Hundley as Interim Director of Development at Episcopal High School
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Charlotte Tullos as Interim Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management at University of Houston-Clear Lake
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of James Mackin as Interim Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs at California State University-Northridge
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Christine Meola as Interim Vice President of Advancement at Lawrence Technological University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Ed Rutkowski as Interim Executive Vice President for Strategy and Operations at The College of New Rochelle
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Dick Regan as Interim CFO at Bethel College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Kevin Kelly as Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management at College of Saint Elizabeth
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Clementine Rice as Interim Assistant Vice President Academic Affairs: Nursing Operations at Trocaire College
NASPA 2019 Annual Meeting
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Frank Ardaiolo as Interim Dean of Students at Saint Norbert
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Steve Siconolfi as Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs at University of Louisiana Monroe
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Rogers ONeill as Interim University Registrar at Concordia University Chicago
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Charles Kenyon as Interim Dean of Students at Wells College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of William Schafer as Interim Registrar at Central Washington University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Dave MConnell as Interim CFO at Oklahoma City University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Susan Henking as Interim VPAA & Dean College at Salem Academy & College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Beth Gierach as Interim Dean of Enrollment Management at Erikson Institute
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Bill Walker as Interim Senior Vice President for Communications at Brandeis University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Bruce Mack as Interim Vice President for University Advancement and President of the UNI Foundation at Northern Iowa University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of John King as Interim Provost at College of Western Idaho
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Mary Livingston as Interim Director of Human Resources at Trinity College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Helen Ouellette as Interim Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer at Lesley University
CIC 2019 Presidents Institute
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Ken Lemanski as Interim Vice President for Institutional Advancement at Boston Architectural College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Mark Lindemood as Interim Vice President for University Advancement at University of Houston-Clear Lake
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Alex Parnia as Interim Vice President of Enrollment at North Country Community College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Bill Allen as Interim Vice President and Chief Enrollment Management Officer at Concord University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Jim Murdock as Interim Chief Financial Officer/Controller at Antioch College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Wes Balda as Interim Dean, Vacker College of Business and Entrepreneurship at University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Annual Meeting, December 8th - 11th
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Sarah Swager as Interim Dean of Students at St. Norbert Colloege
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of John Richert as Interim Vice President of Development at Franciscan University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Terry Richards as Interim Vice President Enrollment Management at Wheeling Jesuit University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Jackie Madry-Taylor as Interim VPAA at Wheeling Jesuit University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of John Fraire as Interim Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management & Services at Northeastern Illinois University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Suzanne Phillips as Interim Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Academic Support at California State University System
A Network of Interim Leaders
2018 Registry Annual Seminar
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Lance Carluccio as Interim Vice President Academic Affairs at College of Coastal Georgia
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Grady Jones as Interim Vice President for Institutional Advancement at Thomas More College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Paul Grand Pre as Interim Chief Advancement Officer at Massasoit Community College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Jim Fitzsimmons as Interim Dean of Students at University of Baltimore
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Rich Hansen as Interim President at Lesley University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Jon Strauss as Interim Dean, College of Engineering at Santa Clara University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Roberta Kaskel as Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management at University of the Pacific
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Faith Delehanty as Interim Special Advisor to the President at University of St. Thomas
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Jose Galvan as Interim Dean, School of Graduate and Professional Studies at Southern Connecticut State University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Paul Carney as Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management at Wright State University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Janet Guyden as Interim Dean of the Libraries at Indiana University of PA
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Dick Highfield as Interim Dean, College of Business at Central Washington University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Susan Dunton as Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs at Boston Architectural College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Charlotte Tullos as Interim Chief Enrollment Officer at Murray State University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Charlie Fey as Interim Vice President of Student Affairs at Indiana University of Pennsylvania
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Rick Underbakke as Interim Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs at Lakes Region Community College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Bonnie MacEwan as Interim Dean of the Library at Central Washington University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Ray Brown as Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management at Valparaiso University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Brenda McComb as Interim Associate Vice Provost, Dean of Students at Stanford University
National Association of College Admission Counseling; September 27 - 29
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Larry Lewellen as Interim Advisor to the Vice President of Human Resources at Brandeis University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Sal Liberto as Interim Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management at Cambridge College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Joe Fedock as Interim Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Gonzaga University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Matt Moore as Interim Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management at Notre Dame of Maryland
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Bill Talbot as Interim Vice President of Administrative Services at Corning Community College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Joe Lee as Interim President at Spring Hill College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Tex Boggs as Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at University of Maine Fort Kent
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Linda Delene as Interim Provost at Belmont Abbey College
2018 Annual Seminar - St. Augustine, FL - November 6-8, 2018
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Mark Whittaker as Interim Vice President of Institutional Advancement and Communication at Elms College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Shenethia Manuel as Interim Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer at Southern Oregon University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Bruce Murphy as Interim Dean of Business Computer Science and Information Technology at Heidelberg University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Bruce Busby as Interim Dean of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at Community College of Rhode Island
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Ron Ingle as Interim President at Athens State University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Patrick Quinn as Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management at Bloomfield College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Rebecca Eckstein as Interim Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management at University of Houston Downtown
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Theo Kalikow as Interim Provost at University of Northern Colorado
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Scott Kalicki as Interim Vice President of Student Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness at Prairie State College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Diane Vertin as Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs at The College of Saint Scholastica
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Howard Grimes as Interim Dean of the College of Sciences at University of Texas, San Antonio
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Allan Hoffman as Interim President at Institute for Clinical Social Work
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Brian Levin-Stankevich as Interim Provost at Northern Arizona University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Geofrey Mills as Interim Dean of Business at Wagner College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Beth Martin as Interim Provost and Senior Vice President at Gonzaga University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Bun Perkinson as Interim Vice President Institutional Advancement at Ferrum College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Rich Hansen as Interim Dean, Graduate School of Education at Lesley University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Jim Simpson as Interim Business Dean at Nova Southeastern University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Carol Seavor as Interim Dean of the School of Nursing at Pacific Lutheran University
National Association of College and University Business Officers, June 22nd - 23rd
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of David Buckingham as Interim Vice Chancellor Student Affairs & Enrollment Management at Montana State University, Billings
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Richard Green as Interim President at United Lutheran Seminary
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Karan Powell as Interim VPAA at Saint Francis University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Gary Bracken as Interim Vice President of Enrollment Management at Spring Hill College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of John Camey as Interim Dean of Business and Justice Studies at Utica College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Raj Parikh as Interim VPAA at Albany State University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Gordon McDougall as Interim Vice President for University Advancement at Sonoma State University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Carol Descak as Interim Associate President for Admissions at University of Baltimore
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Tom Dybick as Interim CFO at Caldwell University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Suzanne Woods as Interim Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs at Hawaii Pacific University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael Brown as Interim VPAA at Clark State Community College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Sandy Doran as Interim President at Salem Academy and College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Larry Elkins as Interim Vice President of Finance and Business at Mount Mercy University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Oliver Evans as Interim Dean for Arts and Sciences at Indiana Tech
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of David McConnell as Interim Vice President of Finance and Administration at Shippensburg University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Bill Shields as Interim Provost & VPAA at College for Creative Studies
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Stephen Dill as Interim Special Assistant to the President for Marketing at Cottey College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Gerald Shields as Interim CFO at New River C&T College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Beth Gierach as Interim Vice President of Enrollment and Marketing at Presentation College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Arnold Henning as Interim Associate Vice President for Finance at CSU-Dominguez Hills
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Steve Berrien as Interim Dean of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at Community College Rhode Island
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Pam Hillman as Interim Vice President for Development and Alumni Engagement at Northern Arizona University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Bill Broucek as Interim Visiting Dean of Business at Gannon University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Bill Cheetham as Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management at Hilbert College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Sarah Swager as Interim Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students at Carlow University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Kent Stucky as Interim Special Assistant to the President for Advancement at Goshen College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Rick Duffett as Interim Vice President of Operations at Central Washington University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Nick Delener as Interim Dean of Business and Economics at Indiana University East
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Sal Liberto as Interim Dean of Enrollment at Northern Vermont University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Janet Waldron as Interim Vice President Business and Finance at Paul Smith's College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Ron Brown as Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management at Fort Lewis College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Kevin Kelly as Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management at Becker College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Beverly Byl as Interim Vice President for Institutional Advancement at Southern CT State University
American Association of Community Colleges Annual Meeting April 28th - May 1st
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Bill Schafer as Interim Dean for Student Success at Central Washington University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Jim Simpson as Interim Dean for Graduate School of Business at University of Maine
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Pat Brown as Interim Dean, Hamilton Holt School at Rollins College
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Doug Smith as Interim Vice President of Development at Indiana State University
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Dave Voskuil as Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management at University of the Pacific
The Registry is pleased to announce the appointment of Patrick Quinn as Interim Dean of Admissions at Marlboro College
CIC Presidents Institute 2018
2017 Annual Seminar Boston, October 27-29
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