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Congratulations to Registry Member Roosevelt Shelton, PhD for your success as Interim Dean of the School of Education at Loyola Marymount University, and thank you for sharing your remarkable achievements.

Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 10:56AM

Congratulations to Registry Member Roosevelt Shelton, PhD for your success as Interim Dean of the School of Education at Loyola Marymount University, and thank you for sharing your remarkable achievements.

Congratulations to Registry Member Roosevelt Shelton, PhD for your success as Interim Dean of the School of Education at Loyola Marymount University, and thank you for sharing your remarkable achievements.

"Serving on The Registry has been an incredible honor, but the most rewarding experience of my career was undoubtedly leading the LMU School of Education (SOE) as interim dean. It was a privilege to connect with faculty, staff, students, and LMU leadership. Through countless conversations and listening sessions, we embarked on a collaborative journey to identify the SOE's greatest opportunities and challenges.

Together, we crafted a vision for the school, resulting in nine strategic priorities. These priorities became the foundation for a comprehensive management improvement plan, focusing on fostering an environment of open communication, transparency, financial responsibility, and a spirit of innovation.

It's truly inspiring to see this plan come to life and transform the SOE. The positive workplace environment we've nurtured empowers our faculty and staff. Our commitment to financial accountability ensures resources are directed where they can make the biggest difference. Most importantly, our focus on entrepreneurial strategies is propelling the SOE forward in exciting ways.

The most heartwarming aspect of this journey was the overwhelming support (80%!) from our stakeholders. This level of engagement fuels my confidence that the SOE will flourish as a vibrant community of scholar-activists, dedicated to cultivating extraordinary educators who leave a lasting positive impact on the lives of their students and communities."


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