This practice engages the enormous wealth of talent in The Registry for assistance related to accreditation, regional or professional. Establishing new accreditation status or reaffirming established accreditation status, our Registry consultants can be invaluable in bring their expertise and experience to advise and add capacity.
Regional accreditation, essential for an institution of higher education, is becoming increasingly more difficult to maintain due to pressures inside and outside of the higher education sector.
While the self-reflection required for reaccreditation contributes to the strength of the working culture of an institution, reaccreditation is an enormous project consuming countless hours and valuable human resources. Many institutions are challenged by the enormity of this effort.
Registry Advisory Services can provide consultants from diverse backgrounds and a wide area of expertise to help an institution with expert and informed advice to add useful counsel and expanded capacity to its accreditation related activities.
Making academic programs more rigorous, more distinctive and more appealing in the marketplace is often aided by these programs having professional accreditations such as but not limited to; ABET, ACEN and CCNE, AACSB and ACBSP, CAEP, and ATS.
Our Registry membership are uniquely positioned to be helpful in this area due to their years of experience working as chairs or members of outside review teams as well as their experience in securing accreditation for their own academic programs.
Accreditation consulting for colleges and universities can be customized to the specific needs of the institution.
Registry Advisory Services, much like The Registry interim placement services is sensitive to and uniquely adaptive to the specific needs of an institution. Drawing upon the same vast unparalleled pool of talent as The Registry, Registry Advisory Services seeks to serve higher education.
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